04 November 2010

O Hai!

I love starting blogs. I seriously have 4 or so on my blogger dashboard. Some are dedicated to travel and so only get updated when I actually travel, and others are well-intentioned "it seemed like a good idea at the time." I enjoy blogging and I certainly enjoy reading blogs, but I find that I am shy about posting. I'm trepidatious about putting too much personal information on the Interwebs, and while I think that I am creative and talented, I would never claim to be expert in any of the crafts I enjoy.

I think the short version is: I need to get over it. The great thing about blogging is that you don't have to be an expert. So, I'm going to try to get back in to the swing of sharing my creative projects with the world. I'm really hoping that this will be a growing experience for me. I feel like I'm right on the cusp of tapping in to my inner creativity and I need a little oomph, a little *something* to push me into the abyss, you know? I'm pretty good at following directions, so I can create something using someone else's pattern - be it quilting or crocheting or knitting. But I'm getting to the point where I want to create my *own* designs. I have some ideas swirling around, I just need that spark to ignite the flame.

So, with that in mind, Hi! I'll be posting more regularly. I promise. (Though, to be fair, much of the non-blogging blame has to go to Ravelry. That site is so awesome and I've been knitting so much, all my recent projects get posted there!)


  1. O hai thar! If you ever need a test knitter for your designs, give me a buzz!

  2. If I ever actually come up with something, you'll be first on the testing list! Ditto for me - if *you* ever need a test knitter, I'm your girl!

    P.S. You have my dream job!
